Thursday, November 11, 2004

I'm so freaking poor

That's right. I'm so fucking poor that I cry.
No actually I don't cry. I whine.
But actually I just grumble to myself.
I'm eating bread for breadfirst, er breakfast, at 1pm.
I woke up so late today because I didn't feel like waking up early. HAHAHAHAHH i'm so funny.
Actually it's because I had two strange dreams last night, that cost me more energy spent during my sleep; when I'm supposed to be recovering energy. Get the idea?

I can vaguely remember the first dream. But both of them had some sort of inter-relations.
It was about the supernatural.
The first dream took place in broad daylight and had something to do with Buddhas or dunno wat. That's the whole shit of it I can remember.
The second one was at night. It was raining heavily.
I dreamt that I was walking along Kallang river opposite the 24hr prata stall.
There were many children in school uniform playing by the river. The water level was very high, and the water choppy. Like in the movies.
For no reason I became very anxious.
And the next thing I knew, a boy had fallen into the river. And drowned there and then.
For some reason, my parents appeared and told me to go down the river to find the body back.
And for even more unknown reasons, the river had became dried up.
But the body was nowhere to be seen. And I was afraid the boy would just suddenly stick his hand out from the ground and grab my whatever.
However, I found something else.
Two two dollar notes and one five dollar notes. Wtf.
I gave them to my parents, but somehow they were able to sense that the money was dirty. Not THAT dirty, but, DIRTY. So I threw them back onto the floor.
I began walking along the river and reached a point where there was covered ceiling.
And I saw many religious statues. It was a kind of temple. Looked Thai to me at that point.
I can also remember that there were 7 statues in total.
A man beckoned to me to take some incense and offer my prayers to each of them.
I also remember asking him what each statue represented.
I prayed for the well-being of my family on the first statue.
The rest became blur images in my memory.
Anyhow, I managed to complete the course and then *poof*, I sort of woke up.
And went back to sleep.
Feels eerie actually. Yucks.

One thing to point out is that I purposely used a lot of 'I's and 'And's because of no particular purpose.

Hmm maybe becuase it's Deepavali today that I dreamt those dreams.
The festival of lights. Don't get me wrong. I'm saying this because Deepavali is a triumph of good over evil, and I'm praying for the wellness of my family.
Ahh I dunno how to express myself but that's what i'm trying to say.

Back to my being poor.
I've already calculated today's spendings.
$15 for two birthday presents.
$16 for the M card.
$8.50 for watching movie.
Probably $6+++ for dinner.
That's 15 + 16 + 8.50 + 6 = .....

So difficult.
ok got it. That's $45+++++++++++++
Fuck man my pay not enough some more still have to Dou Tiap. Cb.
And I already prepared that money to pay for my belt yesterday, but Sensei Wong didn't want to take it.
Maybe I drag a few more days later then pay him.


And it's raining. ARGH.