Saturday, September 25, 2004

Now I remember~

Yay I remember what I wanted to blog about.
It's about two dreams, or nightmares that I've had last night and the night before.
Let me start with the older one:
I can't remember where I was, or what I was doing. I only remember that I had a bad stomachache. Real bad one whereby the crap's coming off the rectum any moment and would already have if you ain't got good internal strength like I do. In fact, the crap did burst out. It could have been quite a marvel if it doesn't involve shit. My back had shit, yellowish patches of it. My legs were covered in shit like how you do a sand-bathe. And there were soooo many people around. And for some reason I started walking around only with my pants on, which was unfortunately full of shit. I remember myself saying, 'it's the staircases's fault. if i hadn't glided against it, my back wouldn't have shit." i have no idea why is it the staircases' fault. and i seem to be in TP.....eew.
Now the more recent one:
This one is simple. I was in a cubicle because I felt like shitting. And the usual toilet bowl was occupied, so I had to use the unusual squatting wc. I never liked using those kinds cos it makes my thighs look big and because i take so long to do my business, I usually have difficulty standing up to reach for the toilet paper. Anyway I was squatting, but no shit volunteered to leave my digestive system. And then I had the best fart in my life, or dream, or nightmare. It was loud and looooooooooooooong. I felt as though all the bad and naughty air inside me was about to be emptied! And it's true cos my stomach's problematic. Even though I feel 'bumpings' here and there. Feels as though a lot of gas is trying to force itself out from the stomach. It will be good to clear them. But I can't. And the dream ended.

My hair is too long and difficult to maintain now. Actually only the hair above my ears. They keep overlapping my ears and I look so dumb and unkempt like that. We've also been warned about our dress code and appearance for the final exams 2 weeks later. Should I go for a
